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Steven: Revenge! I'm so so obsessed and can't wait for season two!
We recently chatted with Ashley Madekwe about the new season, and based on what she tells us, Revenge fans better buckle the hell up after the premiere. "Episode two we were all shocked as we were reading it. Like, 'shut up!' We've gone very, very dramatic which I love," she says. "We have new cast members, we have a mom for Emily, we have a love interest for Nolan. I have a little protégé. So we have new people to interact with which is fun." Get here faster, Sept. 30!
We recently chatted with Ashley Madekwe about the new season, and based on what she tells us, Revenge fans better buckle the hell up after the premiere. "Episode two we were all shocked as we were reading it. Like, 'shut up!' We've gone very, very dramatic which I love," she says. "We have new cast members, we have a mom for Emily, we have a love interest for Nolan. I have a little protégé. So we have new people to interact with which is fun." Get here faster, Sept. 30!
Sammanfattning:Steven: Revenge! Jag är så så besatt och kan inte vänta på säsong två! När vi nyligen chattade med Ashley Madekwe om den nya säsongen, och baserat på vad hon berättar, så måste alla Revenge fans förbereda sig efter premiären. "Episod två var vi alla chockade över. När vi läste det var det som " håll käften! "Vi har gått mycket, mycket dramatisk denna säsong vilket jag älskar ", säger hon. "Vi har nya cast members, en mamma för Emily, vi har en kärlek intresse för Nolan. Så vi har nya människor att interagera med som är kul."
Erica S.: Keep the How I Met Your Mother spoilers coming!
Your wish, our command. Let's let Josh Radnor preview the season premiere for you. "Victoria left her German fiancé, Klaus, at the alter, hopped in my car, and we're riding off into the sunset. Of course, because this is How I Met Your Mother, that's not really the end of the story," he tells us. "Some other things happen. Some other complications [arise] from that. Because, I'll just say this, Ted was left at the altar by a girl named Stella and so it starts to weigh on him. So that's where the drama spins out of. From that."
Your wish, our command. Let's let Josh Radnor preview the season premiere for you. "Victoria left her German fiancé, Klaus, at the alter, hopped in my car, and we're riding off into the sunset. Of course, because this is How I Met Your Mother, that's not really the end of the story," he tells us. "Some other things happen. Some other complications [arise] from that. Because, I'll just say this, Ted was left at the altar by a girl named Stella and so it starts to weigh on him. So that's where the drama spins out of. From that."
Sammanfattning:. Låt oss låta Josh Radnor förhandsgranska säsongspremiären för dig. "Victoria lämnade sin tyska fästman, Klaus, vid altaret, hoppade in i min bil, och vi rider iväg i solnedgången. Naturligtvis, eftersom detta är How I Met Your Mother, är det inte riktigt slutet på historien," berättar han. "Några andra saker kommer att hända. Några andra komplikationer kommer uppstå från det. Jo, jag ska bara säga att det en gång var Ted kvar vid altaret med en tjej som heter Stella och det börjar väga på honom. Så det är där dramat snurrar av. från det"
Christine in Orlando: The Pretty Little Liars finale blew my mind! I need scoop on what happens next NOW.
The bad news is that Pretty Little Liars doesn't return until Oct. 23. The great news is that it's coming back with a serious bang: the Halloween episode! Troian Bellisariooffered up this tease about PLL's highly anticipated spooky special. "If you enjoyed last year's, it's just going to be leaps and bounds [better]. It's no holds barred. It's amazing what they did this year. I think we're still paying for it in terms of the budget," she laughs. "The costumes are much better this year, the location is out of this world, and the stakes are much, much higher." She stayed mostly mum on the costumes, but did give us this clue: "The challenge was, and it was not adhered to by all the girls, but the challenge was to pick a movie and come as a character." We. Can't Wait.
The bad news is that Pretty Little Liars doesn't return until Oct. 23. The great news is that it's coming back with a serious bang: the Halloween episode! Troian Bellisariooffered up this tease about PLL's highly anticipated spooky special. "If you enjoyed last year's, it's just going to be leaps and bounds [better]. It's no holds barred. It's amazing what they did this year. I think we're still paying for it in terms of the budget," she laughs. "The costumes are much better this year, the location is out of this world, and the stakes are much, much higher." She stayed mostly mum on the costumes, but did give us this clue: "The challenge was, and it was not adhered to by all the girls, but the challenge was to pick a movie and come as a character." We. Can't Wait.
Sammanfattning:Den dåliga nyheten är att Pretty Little Liars inte tillbaka förrän 23 oktober. Den stora nyheten är att det kommer tillbaka med en allvarlig smäll: Halloween episoden! Troian Bellisario berättade lite om PLL's efterlängtade skrämmande halloween special. "Om du gillade förra årets, det kommer bara att bli mycket bättre. Det är otroligt vad de gjorde i år. Jag tror att vi fortfarande betalar för dem med tanke på budgeten," skrattar hon . "Våra kostymer är mycket bättre i år, och insatserna är mycket, mycket större." Hon stannade mestadels tyst om kostymerna, men gav oss denna ledtråd: "Utmaningen var, och det var inte följs av alla flickor, men utmaningen var att välja en film och komma som ett tecken." Vi. Kan inte vänta.